Well done to everyone who achieved an acceptance at the 2010 Welsh salon. We have it on good authority that the standards were very high.
Gwynfa had a total of 33 photographs accepted shared among 14 photographers. This was more than any other club. Congratulations to Mark Mumford who had eight acceptances and scooped two of the major awards: Best Colour Projected Image and Best Creative Print. Special Congratulations also to Brian Sewell and Alan Shepherd who each got five acceptance.
To see a full list of Gwynfa acceptances click HERE.
Congratulations to our good friends at Bridgend & Disitrict Camera Club who were easily the most successful club this year. Among their 28 acceptances were awards for Best Colour Print, Best Creative Projected Image, Best Natural History, a Judges Choice, the Gwyn Morgan Trophy and a share of the Walter Morgan Trophy. They also had a few ‘Highly Commended’ and ‘Commended’ photographs for good measure. A fantastic achievement. Well done.
To see a complete list of all acceptances and awards click HERE.
To see the photographs that won awards, please click HERE.