
Bristol International Salon Acceptances

Four Gwynfa photographers achieved acceptances in the 2010 Bristol International Salon of Photography. Well done!

Arthur Nash got an acceptance for “Glowing“.
Philippa Wood got an acceptance for “Fisherman, Isles of Scilly“.
Alan Shepherd got an acceptance for “Lisa, 2K From Home“.
Leigh Woolford got three acceptances. Cold Beacons MorningFog & Frost and Frosty Morn

Leigh also got an acceptance in the 46th Fresno International Salon (for ‘Inquisitive Locals‘) and it is interesting to note that Leigh entered the same four photographs into both Bristol and Fresno and the one that was accepted by Fresno was rejected by Bristol and the three accepted by Bristol were all rejected by Fresno. We are sure this proves something but we aren’t quite sure what.