
Gwynfa 2013 Welsh Salon Acceptances

Congratulations to the eight Gwynfa members who between them achieved a total of 21 acceptances (including one major award and two highly commended awards) in the 2013 Welsh Salon of Photography.

Best colour DPI went to Leigh Woolford for ‘Blue Ice, Jokulsarlon’ and two highly commended awards went to Gwynfryn Jones (for ‘Gazing from the Pier’ and ‘Waiting for Van Gogh’).

Our acceptances were for: Alan Shepherd (3), Chris Tidman (2), Gwynfryn Jones (4), Leigh Woolford (6), Lynda Beynon (2), Rob Beynon, Steve Littlewood and Val Shepherd (2).

If you were unlucky, don’t be disheartened. This is a tough salon to get into. We achieved a 20% acceptance rate for the club yet the overall acceptance rate will be well below 10% and therefore much tougher than most international salons. A list of all Gwynfa acceptances can be found here  and full lists of all acceptances can be found here.