External Comps

Gwynfa 9th in 2014 PAGB Cup

Having entered for the first time in a couple of years, Gwynfa finished 9th (out of 110 clubs) in the 2014 PAGB Cup. The competition is open to all camera clubs in the UK. Full results can be found here.

Gwynfa scored  168 points. Top club was Wigan 10 with 186. Top Welsh club was Inn Focus Group with 175.

Here are our individual scores. Note, the scores are out of 15, not 20:

L01 – Last Stage – Jeff Thomas AWPF – 10
L02 – A10 Warthog – Steve Littlewood AWPF – 10
L03 – Cory Gathercole – Adrian Lant – 14
L04 – Quiet Evening at the Taj Mahal – Brian Sewell AWPF ARPS – 11
L05 – The Singing Horse – Leigh Woolford AWPF EFIAP – 11
L06 – Posing Ponies of Porsmork – Leigh Woolford AWPF EFIAP – 12
L07 – Skye Perspectives – Leigh Woolford AWPF EFIAP – 12
L08 – Daffodil Admirer – Susanna Saunders LRPS CPAGB – 12
L09 – Mug Shot – Terry Donnelly – 11
L10 – Bible Reading – Margot Rowlands – 10
L11 – Helianthus – Leigh Parsons – 10
L12 – Late Night Takeaway – Leigh Parsons – 10
L13 – The Old Ironworks – Gwynfryn Jones AFIAP – 10
L14 – The Veteran – Gwynfryn Jones AFIAP – 12
L15 – Oh Crap! – Allan Squires AWPF ADPS – 13

Having all our scores be 10 or above is a terrific achievement in this type of competition. Well done to everyone who was selected.