External Comps

Six Gwynfa Images accepted in 2016 PAGB Exhibition

The PAGB Inter Federation Competition was held in Belfast on 18th and 19th June. Of the 23 Gwynfa images used by the WPF, six were accepted into the travelling PAGB exhibition. The accepted images were:

Colour Print Section
Ice Trio – Leigh Woolford
Not a good day for umbrellas – Gwynfryn Jones

Mono Print Section
Jack Tar – Gwynfryn Jones
Ice at Fjallssarlon -Leigh Woolford

Open Digital Section
Young at Heart – Alan Shepherd

Nature Digital Section
Emerging four spot chaser – Linda Beynon

Note, Lynda Beynon had the top WPF score in the Nature section and Gwynfryn Jones & Leigh Woolford had the two top WPF scores in the monochrome print section.

A full list of WPF scores can be seen here. The overall results can be seen here.

This is an extremely good result for the club as this is one of the toughest exhibitions for which to be accepted.

The exhibition will be in Arts Central Barry in October and we will let you have more details as soon as we have them.