
2014 PAGB scores for Gwynfa Members

It was an excellent but long day at the PAGB inter-federation print and DPI competition. There were several Gwynfa members who had work selected (from recent Welsh Salon submissions) to represent the WPF so congratulations to them. Their scores (out of 15) were as follows:

Monochrome Print – 1st Midland Counties PF (Gwynfa nothing selected).

Colour Print – 1st North and East Midlands PF. (Gwynfa: ‘Ladybird and Blackflies’ by RobBob 13 and ‘The Lookout’ by Gwynfryn Jones 12)

Open Dpi – 1st Midland Counties. (Gwynfa: ‘The Old Ironworks’ by Gwynfryn Jones 12. ‘Wild Weather’ by Steve Littlewood 13 and ‘Flower Power by  RobBob 10).

Nature Dpi – 1st N E Midlands PF. (Gwynfa: ‘Clusterfly on Clover’ by Lynda Beynon 12. ‘Orange Tip Butterfly’ by Lynda Beynon 12. ‘Red Kite’ by Steve Littlewood 11 and ‘Swallow Tailed Gull and Chick’ by Brian Sewell 10.

As you would expect it was a very high standard of images and prints so the Gwynfa entries didn’t do too badly. There was no real discernible pattern in the scoring.

The event was well organised by the WPF, went quite smoothly and finished on time, especially considering it was the first time they have held the print and Dpi comps on the same day.

Thanks to RobBob Beynon for the above report.