Internal Comps

Competitions So Far in 2015

The first monthly competition of the year was won by Leigh Woolford with “Grasses & Dunes“. The other photos that progress to our ‘Picture of the Year’ competition are shown below:

Print 1st Leigh Woolford Grasses & Dunes Overall Winner
Print 2nd Chris Tidman Ragged Victorian
DPI 1st Alec Stewart Kingfisher Alcedo Athis
DPI 2nd Heidi Stewart Llanberis Slate Mine


The second competition, the Colour Print Challenge was won by Rob Beynon with ‘New Life’. Second was Brian Sewell with ‘Orchid’. Both progress to our ‘Picture of the Year’ competiition.

1st Bob Beynon New Life
2nd Brian Sewell Orchid