More International Acceptances – Val Shepherd
Hot on the heels of winning the Colin Williams Trophy Val Shpherd has had six acceptances in the 2nd Finland International Digital Circuit..
Gwynfa is one of the friendliest photography clubs in Wales. We exist to facilitate, encourage & promote the enjoyment of photography in the local community. We are a non-profit making organisation.
Hot on the heels of winning the Colin Williams Trophy Val Shpherd has had six acceptances in the 2nd Finland International Digital Circuit..
Gwynfa members achieved a total of 37 acceptances in the 2010 Swansea International Salon including three medals. A creditable performance especially as over.
Four Gwynfa photographers achieved acceptances in the 2010 Bristol International Salon of Photography. Well done! Arthur Nash got an acceptance for “Glowing“.Philippa Wood got.
Well done to everyone who achieved an acceptance at the 2010 Welsh salon. We have it on good authority that the standards were.