

Gwynfa members achieved a total of 27 acceptances in the 2010 Welsh International Projected Images Salon which saw more than 15,500 photographs entered and 3200 accepted. Leigh Woolford and Alan Shepherd attended some of the adjudication days and can confirm that many excellent photographs were unlucky and narrowly missed out.

Successful were: Jeff Evans, Gary Green, Gwynfryn Jones, Arthur Nash, Brian Sewell, Alan Shepherd, Val Shepherd, Alec Stewart, Philippa Wood and Leigh Woolford. Special congratulations to Brian Sewell for his Commended photograph entitled “Nile Hoopoe”.

A full list of Gwynfa member acceptances can be found HERE

A full list of all Major Awards can be viewed HERE

A full list of all Awards & Commended can be viewed HERE

A full list of all Acceptances can be viewed HERE