Gwynfa does well in 2022 Memorial Trophies
At Sunday’s WPF Memorial Trophy event, 21 Clubs took part and up to 80 members attended the live zoom event. Gwynfa did very.
Gwynfa is one of the friendliest photography clubs in Wales. We exist to facilitate, encourage & promote the enjoyment of photography in the local community. We are a non-profit making organisation.
At Sunday’s WPF Memorial Trophy event, 21 Clubs took part and up to 80 members attended the live zoom event. Gwynfa did very.
Congratulations to the following members who have both had an image selected for the PDI section of the 2021 PAGB Inter-Federation Exhibition. Gwynfryn.
Below are the Results for the Open and Nature 2021 Inter Federation Competition. Congratulations to the Gwynfa members who had images selected. Open.
Huge congratulations to Gwynfryn Jones who received an acceptance in the 2021 the Master of Print competition with his print “Social Distancing”, see.
Here are the results and award winners from the 2021 Ace of Clubs competition held via zoom on 21st February 2021. Many congratulations.
On Friday 5th February, Gwynfa won the 2021 Vale Battle, dropping on 7 points from a possible total of 160. The results were.
On Sunday afternoon, Gwynfa finished second in both the colour & mono competitions for the 2021 Covid Memorial Trophies. Congratulations go to Bridgend.
Gwynfa finished second in the 2020 Cwm Rhondda Battle which this year was contested by 25 clubs from all over the UK and.
Gwynfa won the 2020 RGB Battle versus Rhondda and Barry. The final scores were Gwynfa (223), Barry (214) and Rhondda (210). The judge.
Please find below the reports from the 2020 Ace of Clubs. Gwynfa finished second and will represent the WPF at Warwick. Congratulations to.