External Comps

Gwynfa 4th in 2016 Sosban Trophy

Llanelli Photographic Society 125th Anniversary Sosban Trophy   Llanelli photographic society provided a warm welcome and a very enjoyable afternoon for their 125th.

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External Comps

Six Gwynfa Images accepted in 2016 PAGB Exhibition

The PAGB Inter Federation Competition was held in Belfast on 18th and 19th June. Of the 23 Gwynfa images used by the WPF,.

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Other News

Philip Caston-Forbes

Alan Thomas has informed us that Phil Forbes passed away at Royal Glamorgan Hospital on Friday 3rd June. He had been receiving treatment.

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External Comps

Gwynfa Wins The 2016 Barrian Cup

Yet another excellent result for Gwynfa at the 2016 Barrian cup, only dropping 4 points over the five rounds. Many thanks to the.

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