
Gwynfa 2023 Welsh Salon Acceptances

Gwynfa members achieved 40 acceptances in the 2023 Welsh Salon of Photography including 5 awards. Chris Tidman achived ‘Best People’ in the Monochrome.

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External Comps

Gwynfa Wins 2023 RGB Battle

Gwynfa achieved a narrow victory in Friday’s RGB Battle against Rhondda CC and Barry CC, securing the win with a last round score.

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Internal Comps

Winners of the 2023 Colour Print Challenge

The Winners of the 2023 Colour Print Challenge were as follows: 1st – Glenn Porter – British Cup Surfing 2nd – RobBob Beynon –.

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Internal Comps

Winners of the February 2023 Open Competition

The Winners of the February 2023 Open competition were as follows: 1st – Alec Stewart – Pair of White Legged Damselflies 2nd –  Gwynfryn Jones.

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