Internal Comps

Results from Vale 7-Way – Gwynfa second

After a rather remarkable evening of top quality photography and high scoring Gwynfa finished second to worthy winners, the Rhondda in the 2018 Vale 7-way battle. Gwynfa’s scores were as follows:

Colour Prints
20    Hairy Dragonfly on Horsetail by Rob Beynon
20    Mirage Fighter Jets by Steve Littlewood
20    Hard Times by Gwynfryn Jones
20    The Apple Woman by Gwynfryn Jones

Monochrome Prints
19    Last Light by Dave Lingham
20    Isolation (No. 1) by Leigh Woolford
18    Into The Light by Alan Stokes
18    Menno by Leigh Woolford

Dropping just 5 points from a possible 160 would be hard to beat you might think. But no. Rhondda dropped just three points and scored 20 a remarkable six times and also had a 19 and an 18 to pip us by two points. Scoring was high across the board too. Judge Brian Swinyard MA(Photo), ARPS, EFIAP/b, DPAGB, BPE3*, PPSA gave 24 scores of 20 from the 56 prints entered!

Final Scores were: Rhondda 157, Gwynfa 155, The Vale 153, Pyle & Porthcawl 150, Bridgend 148, Morriston 145 and Barry 137.

Best Monochrome Print went to Richard Crays of Pyle and Porthcawl for “Concrete Titanic” and Best Colour Print went to Gwynfryn Jones of Gwynfa for ‘The Apple Woman’.

As usual our hosts at the Vale did a superb job or organising the competition and welcoming (and feeding) their visitors and everyone enjoyed an evening of terrific photography.

Seven of the eight Gwynfa entries can be seen below. Sadly we don’t yet have a digital version of Into The Light by Alan Stokes.

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