External Comps

23 Gwynfa Selections for 2016 Inter Fed

Gwynfa members have had 23 photographs selected for the forthcoming PAGB Inter Federation Competition. The images were selected from acceptances in the 2016 Welsh Salon of Photography.

The Competition is being held in Belfast on 18th and 19th June and each Federation can enter up to 30 images in each of 4 sections:- Colour Print, Monochrome Print, Open PDI and Nature PDI. The images will be appraised and scored by a panel of judges, and the top 10 scores in each section will count as the winner of that section. The WPF have made an entry of 30 images in each competition. Gwynfa acceptance are listed below. A full list of all the images selected by the WPF can be found here.

Colour Print Section
Gwynfryn Jones Mysterious encounter
Gwynfryn Jones Not a good day for umbrellas
Gwynfryn Jones The Fisherman’s Wife
Heidi Stewart Giant of mount Lomagnupor
Leigh Woolford Ice and pylons
Leigh Woolford Ice Trio
Lynda Beynon V for Victory
Robert Beynon Lift Off
Mono Print Section
Adrian Lant Master of Midshires
Adrian Lant Rapid Progress
Gwynfryn Jones The Dead Zone
Gwynfryn Jones Jack Tar
Leigh Woolford Ice at Fjallssarlon
Leigh Woolford On the Dunes
Robert Beynon Bucktail Infantryman
Val Shepherd Unlikely Volunteer
Open Digital Section
Adrian Lant Detached tear-off
Alan Shepherd Young at Heart
Gwynfryn Jones The Revolutionary
Heidi Stewart Ice Lagoon Sunset
Nature Digital Section
Alec Stewart Common Darter Emerging
Lynda Beynon Emerging four spot chaser
Lynda Beynon Lunchtime

Having 23 images (out of a total selection of 120) is a big achievement both for the individual photographers and for the Club.

Congratulations to all those who have had photos selected.

